Eligibility Criteria for Himmat Card Six Key Requirements to Receive PKR 10,500 Every Three Months

Himmat Card

The Punjab government has introduced the Himmat Card to support persons with disabilities (PWDs), under which each cardholder will receive PKR 10,500 every three months. This card is specifically for those who are unable to work due to their disabilities. The government will issue 65,000 ATM cards in two phases.

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Eligibility Criteria for Himmat Card:

Individuals who cannot work due to their disability will receive a stipend of PKR 10,500 every three months. Before applying for the Himmat Card, candidates must meet specific criteria and requirements.

Basic Eligibility Criteria for Himmat Card

The following are the essential requirements for the Himmat Card. Check if you meet these criteria and learn how you can receive PKR 10,500 in assistance.

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Eligibility Requirements:

To qualify for the Himmat Card, the candidate must fulfill the following conditions:

1. Persons with disabilities (PWDs) must be certified by the Punjab Social Welfare Department and unable to work.

2. The beneficiary must be a resident of Punjab.

3. The applicant should not be employed at the time of application.

4. The applicant should not have received financial assistance from recent programs such as Bait-ul-Mal, Zakat Fund, BISP (Benazir Income Support Program), or PSPA (Punjab Social Protection Authority).

5. The applicant’s Proxy Means Test (PMT) score should be 45 or below, reflecting their financial condition.

6. The applicant’s data should be updated in DPMIS (identity card, address, mobile number, education, experience, etc.).


Himmat Card
Himmat Card

Check Online Eligibility:

How to check Himmat Card eligibility from home

1. Open this link: https://dpmis.punjab.gov.pk/himmatcard-verification

2. Enter your ID card number without dashes.

3. Click the “Submit” button.

4. Your eligibility result will appear on the screen.

Receive PKR 10,500 Through Himmat Card:

The first installment of PKR 10,500 under the Punjab Himmat Card program is being provided to all eligible and registered individuals through the Bank of Punjab. There is no delay or reduction in this payment. The Punjab government has opened an online portal for registration. If you have not yet registered, you can submit your information and apply for the Himmat Card.

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How to Apply for Himmat Card Online:

All eligible persons with disabilities can register for this program both online and offline and can seek assistance from PITB or the Bank of Punjab. Follow these steps:

1. Visit the Social Welfare portal at https://swd.punjab.gov.pk/himmatcard for online verification.

2. Fill out the form correctly.

3. Attach the required documents (ID card, disability certificate, PMT score, or relevant documents).

4. Click the “Submit” button.

5. If you are eligible, you will be issued a Himmat Card.

How to Apply for Himmat Card Offline: To apply for the Himmat Card offline, which provides financial assistance to persons with disabilities in Punjab, follow these steps:

1. Visit your nearest Social Welfare office to submit your application.

2. You will need to bring your disability certificate, ID card, etc., with you.

3. After submitting your application, your details will be verified.

4. If approved, you will be asked to open a bank account so that you can receive PKR 10,500, which can be withdrawn from any bank or ATM.


The Himmat Card is a revolutionary step for persons with disabilities, providing financial assistance and support equipment. If you meet the above criteria, you can receive PKR 10,500 every three months. Check your eligibility today and apply for the Himmat Card.

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