Good News:Punjab Govt’s Decision To Restart Green Tractor Scheme

Green Tractor Scheme:

This time, instead of subsidizing the purchase of tractors, the government will provide free tractors and laser levelers. If you are from Punjab and wish to get a free tractor and laser leveler, this article will provide you with all the necessary details about the scheme. You will learn about the eligibility criteria for the scheme and the registration process.Green Tractor Scheme, 

Is This Scheme for All Farmers of Punjab:

After the Punjab government announced the revival of the Green Tractor Scheme, many farmers have been asking if the scheme is open to all farmers. The answer is no; this scheme is specifically aimed at wheat farmers.

Green Tractor Scheme:
Green Tractor Scheme:

Eligibility Criteria:

To benefit from this scheme, the Punjab government has set certain eligibility criteria. First, applicants must be residents of Punjab. Additionally, their land records must be available in the Land Records Center. The eligibility criteria for tractors and laser levelers are different:Green Tractor Scheme,

Tractors: Farmers who cultivate wheat on their own land of more than 25 acres can participate in the lottery for tractors.

Laser Levelers: Farmers who cultivate wheat on land between 12.5 and 25 acres can apply for laser levelers.

Application Procedure for Getting Tractors and Laser Levelers

The registration for the scheme has not officially started yet. However, the Punjab government has announced that online applications will begin regularly from November 25. According to the advertisement issued by the government, farmers with non-computerized land records can submit their applications at the office of the concerned Assistant Director of Extension.

Once online registration begins on November 25, you will be able to see the full registration procedure on the official website. Keep checking the website for updates and detailed instructions.


The Punjab government has relaunched the Green Tractor Scheme, offering free tractors and laser levelers to wheat farmers. The scheme is for farmers who cultivate wheat on their land. Farmers with more than 25 acres of wheat cultivation can apply for tractors, while those with 12.5 to 25 acres can apply for laser levelers. The official registration starts on November 25, and the procedure will be available on the website soon

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