Big News: Three Types of Families Receiving Messages from 8171 under the Benazir Income Support Program

Benazir Income Support Program

The government sends messages from 8171 to inform eligible people about their status in the Benazir Income Support Program (BISP). Here’s a breakdown of who is likely to receive these messages and why:

Newly Eligible Individuals:

The government is messaging those who recently became eligible for BISP benefits after their initial survey. These individuals will receive updates on their eligibility status and the amount they will receive.

Previously Registered Individuals Undergoing Verification:

Women with older registrations who have been under a long verification process are also receiving messages. These individuals are notified of their eligibility for a PKR 10,500 installment via 8171.

Recently Surveyed Individuals:

People who recently completed surveys might receive messages for PKR 13,500 installments. This amount could vary if educational stipends for children are included in the total. The government has announced a new installment of PKR 13,500, so some may receive messages about this amount from 8171.

Previously Eligible but Unverified Individuals:

Those who were previously eligible but have not yet completed a survey are also being reminded via 8171 to complete their survey by December 31.

Also Reas:  Benazir Kafaalat 13500 Payment

Benazir Income Support Program
Benazir Income Support Program

New Initiative for Skilled Training under BISP:

Senator Rubina Khalid has announced the launch of the Benazir Hunarmand Program. This program aims to provide skill training for family members of BISP beneficiaries. The goal is to help family members gain employable skills so they can start earning independently, thereby promoting self-sufficiency within these households.

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