Good News Government of Punjab Partners with 3 Fertilizer Giants to Deliver Agri Inputs via Kisan Card

3 Fertilizer Giants to Deliver Agri Inputs 

Those whose names appeared in the results of the Kisan card balloting and who registered with Kisan cards were given 3 Fertilizer Giants to Deliver Agri Inputs by the Punjabi government. Numerous farmers have applied for loans from the Punjab government for a range of agricultural products, including fertilizer, sprays, and medications, and have also acquired their Kisan cards through the Bank of Punjab (BoP).To acquire their Kisan cards and apply for interest-free loans from the Punjab government to buy agricultural medications, those who have not yet done so should go to the Bank of Punjab (BoP) as soon as feasible. You will only be eligible for loans through Kisan cards for agricultural medications, such as pesticides, fertilizers, sprays, etc.In addition to them, Kisan cards can be used to obtain different kinds of seeds, etc. It is important to keep in mind that anything you receive through the Kissan Card is a loan with no interest that you must pay back to the Punjab government within the allotted time. According to the Punjab government, farmers can boost their crop yield by applying for interest-free loans of Rs 30,000 per acre through Kisan Card.Please continue reading this post as we will explain which fertilizer businesses the Punjab government has partnered with to offer agricultural supplies and how to obtain an interest-free loan via Kisan Card.

New Update About Agri Inputs Distribution

In order to distribute agricultural supplies, the Punjab government set up 2600 dealer centers around the province. Farmers can use their Kisan Card to obtain interest-free loans for agricultural inputs. There are various degrees of establishment for these dealer centers. To boost your agricultural output, you can visit the closest dealer center, pick up the agricultural products you need, and use them.Remember that the Punjab government is working with the Bank of Punjab to offer you this interest-free loan. When you go to pick up the agricultural inputs, the representative at the dealer center will insert your Punjab government-issued Kissan Card into the Bank of Punjab device, and then you will receive the agricultural inputs on an interest-free loan.

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Government of Punjab 3 Fertilizer Giants to Deliver Agri Inputs 

Three distinct agricultural fertilizer businesses have partnered with the Punjab government. Engro Fertilizers, Fatima Fertilizer Company Limited, and Fauji Fertilizer Company Limited (FFC) are among these three businesses. In a letter to the Punjabi government, these three businesses made it quite apparent that:

3 Fertilizer Giants to Deliver Agri Inputs
3 Fertilizer Giants to Deliver Agri Inputs
  • The farmers will receive the fertilizer for which a fee is assessed.
  • They will assist the Punjab government in alleviating small farmers’ financial hardships and guaranteeing that the province’s wheat crop receives the complete application of agricultural fertilizers.
  • They will make every effort to give farmers fertilizer at no cost.
  • They would prioritize providing farmers with Kisan cards with a continuous supply of fertilizer.
  • They will supply the farmers with fertilizer based on their requirements.
  • They should only offer agricultural products and refrain from accepting cash from farmers using Kissan cards. 

They added that in order to guarantee the nation’s food security, all dealers should work in tandem with the Punjab government, the Bank of Punjab, and the farmers to reap the full benefits of timely fertilizer application in the wheat harvest.

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Seamless Access to Subsidies with Kisan Card

The Punjab government has set up 2600 dealer shops where you may obtain agricultural inputs on interest-free loans. Below is the process for obtaining agricultural fertilizers from the dealer location that is closest to you:

  • Bring your original CNIC and Kissan Card to the closest dealer center.
  • Give the representative there your Kissan Card.
  • The Kissan Card will be input into the Bank of Punjab device by the representative.
  • Give the salesperson the details of the agricultural inputs you must purchase. 
  • The agent will input them into the machine and provide you with a slip that will record the details of the fertilizer you have bought and its cost.
  • Remember to pick up the fertilizer and agricultural medications after receiving the slip from the representative.

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Frequently Ask Questions (FAQs)

Who is qualified to receive the Kissan Card, and what is it?

Farmers chosen through a balloting process are given the Kissan Card by the Punjab government, which allows them to obtain interest-free loans for agricultural inputs.

If the balloting results include my name, how can I get a Kissan Card?

If your name appears in the balloting results, pick up your Kissan Card by presenting your CNIC at the closest Bank of Punjab (BoP) branch.

Which agricultural products may I buy with my Kissan Card?

Through the Kissan Card, farmers can obtain interest-free loans to purchase seeds, fertilizers, insecticides, and sprays. 

What is the maximum amount that can be borrowed with the Kisan Card?

Through the Kisan Card, the Punjabi government provides interest-free loans up to Rs 30,000 per acre.

Under the Kissan Card program, which fertilizer firms are affiliated with the Punjab government?

Engro Fertilizers, Fatima Fertilizer Company Limited, and Fauji Fertilizer Company Limited (FFC) are the companies that have partnered. 

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3 Fertilizer Giants to Deliver Agri Inputs
3 Fertilizer Giants to Deliver Agri Inputs

Final Thoughts

Through the results of the election, the 3 Fertilizer Giants to Deliver Agri Inputs , along with the Bank of Punjab, has given the farmers in Punjab Kisan cards. Kisan cards are available to those who have not yet gotten them at the Bank of Punjab branch. You can obtain interest-free loans for agricultural inputs at any of the 2600 dealer centers in your area after obtaining the Kisan card.Fatima Fertilizer Company Limited, Fauji Fertilizer Company Limited (FFC), and Engro Fertilizer are all linked with the Punjab government. You can get interest-free financing for agricultural inputs from these three businesses. It should be noted that the Punjab government offers interest-free loans through Kisan cards up to Rs 30,000 per acre.

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