Green Tractor Scheme in Punjab 2nd phase:
The second phase of the Green Tractor Scheme has been finalized as of today’s date. Within the next one to two days, all rules and regulations will be clarified. Additionally, the remaining subsidy for the scheme will be distributed among 10,500 tractors for farmers. So far, PKR 64 billion has already been spent, and this initiative is part of a PKR 150 billion project.
Application Submission Dates:
Farmers are informed that applications for the scheme can be submitted from December 10 to December 30. After submitting the applications, a transparent balloting process will take place. Following this, tractors will be distributed to successful applicants.
Revised Application Process:
The application process for the Green Tractor Scheme has been revised. Previously, farmers only needed to provide their CNIC and phone numbers, after which the Punjab Government conducted the verification and declared applicants eligible or ineligible.
Also Read: Punjab Green Tractor Scheme
Now, the process has been changed entirely:
Additional Details Required:
Applicants must now provide complete land information, including:
- Registry Number
- Transfer Number
- Khasra Number
Farmers must collect these details from their Revenue Office before applying.
Online Portal Submission:
Input the required land information on the online portal.
Once all details are entered, click on the Submit button.
Real-Time Status Update:
After submission, the system will imme
diately display your application status. It will either confirm your application or indicate any errors, such as incorrect details, which will result in rejection.
Strict Verification:
Providing false information will automatically disqualify applicants.
Eligibility Criteria:
This time, farmers owning between 3.5 acres to 50 acres of land are eligible to apply, unlike the previous criteria of one acre.
Alsoread: Lucky Draw Results for Punjab Green Tractor Scheme
Stay Updated:
Farmers are encouraged to regularly visit the official website for updates. As soon as the application process begins, information will be shared promptly. Early registration is recommended to ensure eligibility in the program.